Omiyage, Temiyage, and the Struggle to Just Hang Out

Summer Hangouts at Home Are the Best

One of the best things about summer, aside from avoiding the heat, is hanging out with friends at home. It’s cheaper, more comfortable, and you can have endless snacks and drinks! No need to brave the sweltering heat just to meet up. But here’s the thing—I’m constantly surprised by how different things feel when friends come over to my house in Japan, compared to meeting up somewhere else.

The Temiyage Culture Still Surprises Me

I’ve lived abroad for over 10 years, and while I’ve been back in Japan for nearly as long, I still feel a bit of culture shock now and then. One of those shocks? The temiyage culture. If you’re not familiar, temiyage is the small gift, often sweets or snacks, that people bring when they visit your home as a way of saying thanks for the invite. Sounds nice, right? Sure, it’s thoughtful, but I’ve started to notice a shift in the vibe when my friends come over.

Why Does the Vibe Change at Home

When we hang out outside, everything feels easygoing. But when friends visit my place, they suddenly seem shy, a little more formal, and—of course—holding a box of beautifully wrapped sweets. I get it; it’s the culture. But honestly, I just want to hang out! No gifts, no formality—just us, chilling with some chips and drinks. It’s the same people, but somehow the atmosphere changes.

Can We Just Hang Out Without Gifts?

Does anyone else feel this? Like, I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t want my friends to feel obligated to bring something every time they come over. The whole point of hanging out at home is to make it relaxed and fun! I want my house to be the place where you can kick back and not worry about etiquette.

Is It Just Me, or Is This a Thing?

So, here’s my question: is this just me? Am I overthinking the temiyage thing, or do others feel that the whole “I must bring something” culture sometimes gets in the way of just enjoying each other’s company? I’d love to hear your thoughts—especially if you’ve experienced something similar!

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